I'm not going to lie, the first three weeks have been a very big adjustment and extremely difficult. Preston and I laugh when we look back and thought that having one baby was hard. That was so easy..and Parker was such a good boy. I have been so far behind in blogging for numerous reasons.
First, when we arrived home from the hospital, our computer was broke. It would'nt even turn on. So we have been trying to get that fixed.
Next and most importantly, Our new baby girl has Colic. I never thought I would have to say those words. Its been terrible. This little girl rarely sleeps at night and is up for 3-4 hours screaming. The only way to get her to sleep after a colic episode is by letting her sleep on her belly on our chest. Which then means Either Preston or I do not sleep. Basically I get about 2-3 hours per night of sleep, sometimes broken up.
Next, for the last three days, I have had the flu with temps between 102-103. I am praying that no one else in the house will get it. It has been complete misery. My mom and sister come over some days to help me while Preston is working. Without their help, I don't know what I would do. Also my mom has come over to spend the night, so both of us can get a full nights sleep. You really don't realize how much you value sleep, until you don't get any!
I rarely have my camera out anymore, which is not like me. Sleep deprivation is to blame...that and keeping a two yr old occupied while holding a screaming baby. Did I mention Layla will cry for hours during the daytime as well. Everyday around 3-4pm, she wakes up and screams on and off for hours. We have tried everything, and most things just work for a few minutes. Everyone tells us, "things will get better" We cannot wait until that day happens.
About Layla at three weeks old- Still wears newborn clothing and diapers
- Eats every two hours
- Smiles a lot
- Very strong and can turn over
- Prefers to be held...all day if possible.
- Prefers to lay on belly
- Likes the sound of water running and the vacuum, but only for few minutes.
- Does not like sleeper outfits with feet . Likes feet out with no socks..just like Parker.
- Does not like baby swing or bouncer...would rather be held!
- Basically cries when awake, especially at night.
- Has colic episode about every 12 hours that lasts for 3-4 hours.